What are wrinkles?
Wrinkles are simply lines and creases. Number of factors contribute to wrinkles formation including heredity, depletion of collagen and elastin, expressions, smoking and general lifestyle habits.
Two main factors contributing to wrinkles are
sun damage and skin dehydration
Where wrinkles appeared most
- Frown lines between the eyes
- Horizontal forehead lines
- Crow's feet and Bunnies
- Smile lines, Marionettes & Smokers lines

Solution: Tiny amounts of a muscle relaxing solution are injected into individual muscles of selected areas of concern, preventing them from making facial expressions and further creasing the skin. Filling solutions also used (clear gel, calcium hydroxylapatite fillers and long term implants)
Time: 10-30min per session. Upkeep may be needed every 3 -18 months, depending on size of the muscle targeted and amount of the active ingredient used.
Recovery: few hours for swelling to subside
What happens during the session?
This is a quick (10-15 minutes) and simple procedure that is relatively pain-free. Ice or numbing cream is used to numb each spot prior to injection and then an extremely fine needle is used to make injections of the wrinkle prevention solution into the targeted muscles.
When you see results?
With fillers it's very easy, they usually produce immediate results. With muscle relaxation injections most people start seeing the results within 3-10 days after some the procedure. This is because it takes time for the targeted nerve endings to become 'deactivated'.
If you have had previous wrinkle injections, then you may see a quicker onset of muscle relaxation, often in 1-2 days. However, if this is the first time you have had the procedure, or have left it too long between treatments, it can take up to 10 days to see the full results.
LSW Clinic invites you back to review the results after 1-2 weeks.
Can injections be combined with other procedures?
1. Prevent further skin creasing by applying wrinkle prevention injections after IPL skin rejuvenation and Peels. You will need to wait 2 weeks after injectable procedure before having any other skin treatments.
2. Combine dermal fillers with injectable treatment to prolong their life under the skin especially for deep creases