IPL training - safe and effective way to use IPL machines

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IPL machines

IPL devices are considered a newer innovation in the aesthetic field, and it is quickly becoming the preferred method of skin rejuvenation and hair removal.

This non-invasive, quick, effective and relatively comfortable (although not pain-free as many companies claim) offers incredible, quick long term results and no down time.

IPL Training or Laser Training as many referred to is the most essential factor and unfortunately, often an overlooked part when it comes to extending your business to use IPL machines.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) systems commonly used for cosmetic applications such as hair removal and skin rejuvenation can present a hazard to both operators and patients.

How our IPL training is different?

Our aim is to offer IPL professional support to ensure the safety of both staff and patients undergoing light-based treatments.

Unlike any other IPL training provider we offer valuable assistance in gaining and maintaining IPL safe and efficient treatments followed by the initial training period.

We all forget stuff... and we forget it REALLY FAST. Studies show that we will forget 98% of what we learn in a year (especially if we do not use it on a daily basis). In fact, we will almost immediately (within a week) forget large percentages of everything we learn.

The way to remember things is to REVIEW what you want to remember. This may seem obvious, but all too often we are too busy rushing off to the next thing to be bothered to review what we just learned.

The best way to do this is to "interleave" the stuff you just learned with new material.

Our unique comprehensive IPL training program is structured in a way that before learning new IPL modules we review that we already learnt in previous module and practical lessons are infused into the whole program. Additionally, when our students leave us they are not thrown into deep water. We provide on-site and off-site support for weeks and even months after they finished their course.

I know this sounds simple, but it's important and not many IPL courses out there which do it and really care to transform a beginner to the specialist.

Talk to us we can help you to achieve your goal.



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