Hair removal systems evolution
Things have changed a lot over the last decades in the area of laser hair removal. The most recent new topic which attracts a lot of attention from many people concerns home laser hair removal devices.What are they? How effective? How safe? Do they really work?
At first, laser hair removal treatments with Lasers (not IPLs) could only be carried out by medical practitioners. Then when IPL hair removal devices came out hair removal treatments were allowed to be performed by trained technicians in medical clinics, salons and medi-spas. Now a home IPL hair removal machine have been approved by the FDA in USA. So safe – you can operate in the comfort of your own home.
Hair removal technology
In general, these lightweight, slim-n-sleek looking portable laser hair removal gadgets use more or less the same technology as most practitioners of IPL services, including our own Melbourne's Chadstone laser clinic, so consider the same factors we’d be considering before committing yourself to a DIY home-based treatment.
Home ipl or as some people call them laser hair removal systems like the commercial IPL hair removal systems apply laser beams to target and destroy hair follicles.
One of the most important factors in effective and safe hair removal is to know the type of skin you have - the more contrast between skin and hair colors the better results you will get out of your home IPL device for hair removal.
In the actual fact all home IPL devices that are currently available are marketed for those who have dark hair and fair or very light skin. Manufacturers warn that all other skin/hair combinations should not be even attempted. Dark skin is also listed as the number one risk factor when using home laser or IPL device.
Some home laser machines manufacturers do not recommend using safety goggles. For your own safely please always make sure you wear safety goggles when operating this kind of device
Although there is a wide range of home hair removal products, only very few of them prove beneficial in removing and reducing hair growth.
Advantages of Using a Home Laser Hair Removal machines
The most obvious one is saving of money of course. But remember – you do pay a hefty sum for getting your hands on one of those little gadgets!! Lamps that sit within the unit also need to be replaced every so many shots so do your sums carefully.
Some advantages of home IPL devices can also be seen as disadvantages by some people: Take for example the ability of customer to regulate the intensity of the hair removal machine. Sure that sounds flexible but you also want the results! For some people pain will prevail and they’ll be tempted to reduce the energy level (thus reducing discomfort caused by treatment). This is turn will reduce efficacy of the procedure.
Another point seen as advantageous is being able to perform treatments in your free time. Make sure you do not turn it into a negative by not sticking to your treatment plan. Otherwise you may be disappointed with results you have.
It is worth mentioning that home laser or home ipl devices can work effectively in combination with professional hair removal procedures as top up sessions, especially if you cant make it to your hair removal clinic. However do remember that the small, smart home hair removal device’s energy levels cannot even come close to those utilised by professional hair removal machines. Therefore it cannot be viewed as a permanent method of hair removal. At the end of the day home ipl devices will only produce a short term “laser-waxing” result.
Laser hair removal Melbourne clinic in Chadstone shopping centre can address all your concerns of safe and effective removal of unwanted hair by providing a comprehensive no obligation consultation.
For more information on home hair removal devices as well as clinical trial paper on comparing the devices please call Laser, Skin & Wellness Clinic on 0429 828 185.
Talk to us we can help you to achieve your hair free goal .
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