Treatments need minimal preparation on your behalf.
These simple guidelines apply to every treatment, not just the first one.
Prior to commencing your hair removal treatment plan with Laser, Skin and Wellness Chadstone Melbourne clinic please:
- Avoid tanning for at least 4-6 weeks. If you have a dark tan, your treatment may be postponed until the tan has faded.
- You are strongly encouraged to stop waxing, plucking, and using depilatory creams or electrolysis for at least 3-5 weeks prior to commencing with us.
- Feel free to continue shaving for up to 2-3 days prior to the days of your treatment. Some hair growth is required in order for us to assess you hair type and density correctly as well as for monitoring progress. If the hair is longer our clinician may need to shave it to an ideal length for treatment.
- Feelings of anxiety and even stress before you are "zapped" for the first time are not uncommon. This is usually because they do not know what to expect and how it’s going to feel and what goes where etc. The element of the “unknown” is what can cause this uncomfortable feeling. If you happen to feel this way – we understand and ask you to let your therapist know. Rest assured we can use wonderful, pure techniques to make these feelings go away - these work every time!
- For removal of facial hair please make sure you do not wear makeup (or make sure you wash this off prior to treatment).