Vitamin C and Your Skin

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Have you ever wondered why Africans are dark-skinned, Asians are brown and Caucasians are fair-skinned?

Besides the obvious genetics etc, it is due to varying amounts of the pigment, melanin, in our skin (and hair, actually).

Skin types and tones differ from person to person, from one ethnic group to another. The higher the melanin content, the darker you are.

Melanin types

There are actually two kinds of melanin:

  • Eumelanin is responsible for the darker shades of skin and
  • Pheomelanin for the lighter shades

In most skin lighteners, you will find an ingredient called hydroquinone, a bleaching agent that inhibits the production of melanin and thus lightens the skin tone.

Alternatives to hydroquinone are azelaic acid, kojic acid, glycolic acid and niacinamide. All this sounds simple, but the problem is that a lot of these ingredients have been found to have adverse side-effects.

Hydroquinone, for instance, has been found to cause leukaemia in some animals and also irritation in certain skin types.

How LSW treatments differ?

Being a high profile clinic we often get free gifts or products from skin care manufacturers and distributors. We welcome those and spend an enormous amount of time testing them out.

After tests on numerous amounts of various lines, some of which are over the counter, others are professional only or custom made, the results were interesting.

Curiously, despite the big claims,
most products actually don’t work.

The one that does is just lovely. It contains a proprietary patented blend of natural skin lightening ingredients which bleaches your skin, even on most sensitive areas, without causing any irritation except for occasional dryness which can be easily treated by an application of a suitable quick absorbing moisturiser.

We combine it with a take home mask from Skeyndor range and lightening creams of several varieties so that results can be maintained for as long as possible.

Skin Whitening Results and Ingredients?

In addition to brilliant, quick results, the formula also reduces the activity of tyrosinase present in the human skin by inhibiting melanin (pigment) formation in the skin.

This formula we use is:

  • Free from hydroquinone
  • Free from Arbutin (a “nicer cousin” of hyrdoquinone)
  • Free from other harmful chemicals
  • Has no recorded side effects
  • Suitable for effective anal bleaching and skin lightening on almost any part of the body

This private areas and anal bleaching/ lightening formula not only has the ability to lighten existing hyper-pigmentation (darkening of the skin) but it will also inhibit future melanin formation.


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