History of underarm hair removal
The history of underarm hair removal is said to be going back thousands of years. It is said that Prophet Muhammad (570-632) made underarm hair removal necessary for men & women for hygienic reasons.
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- Uarm hair removal is one of the most popular requested areas at LSWC
- Most people who had it done rate it as less painful than waxing
- Main advantages of IPL method —in our clients’ words: permanency of results, speed, absence of side effects, feeling of freedom (especially in summer), minimal maintenance (usually only once a year)
In the Western world, the practice of underarm hair removal began in the early 20th century. Around 1915, magazines in the US and the UK started showing picture of a woman with shaved under-arms.
Introduction of safety razors at the beginning of the 20th century made shaving of underarm hairs feasible.
While the custom of shaving underarm hair became instantly popular in the US and Canada it became prevalent in European countries well after World War II.
In modern society, underarm hair removal is widely practiced. It is more common for women to remove their armpit hair than it is for men.
In fact, women with unshaven armpit are considered ungroomed in our society.
Why you don't want u’arm hair today
Hygiene: Removal of underarm hair makes a person feel cleaner and smell better. Excessive sweating in the region combined with hair’s ability to trap & hold on to the smell can cause discomfort.
Aesthetic : Clean armpit is considered more aesthetically pleasing and more sexually at-tractive. Pictures of models displaying hair-free armpit in magazines established this idea in the psyche of men & women years ago. Today, removing underarm hair is a norm for most of us.
Religious: Islam made u’arm hair (and some say pubic area) removal obligatory for men & women for hygiene reasons.
Professional: Swimmers, cyclists & athletes remove all or most of their body hair. The practice helps to make their bodies more streamlined before taking part in competitions. Body builders and adult entertainment industry workers remove their underarm hair for aesthetic reasons.
ANTI HAIR REMOVALISTS: Interestingly, some actually refrain from removing underarm hair for sociological reasons. For instance, hipsters in order to follow the hippies of the 60s prefer to let their underarm hair flourish and thrive. They even go to the extent of wearing dresses that expose their hairy armpits as an alternative fashion statement. Many women prefer to keep their arm-pit hair as a statement of feminism. By not removing their underarm hair, they try to break down social gender barriers.
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