Herbal and Nutritional Medicines to improve Immunity and fight Infection

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Herbal and Nutritional Medicines

When dealing with colds and flu, the time to take action is when you first have an feeling that you might be getting sick. The early warning signs my be a scratchy throat, an achy tired feeling, or that feeling of just not quite being OK. You can actually keep the cold or flu from coming on by taking immediate action.

There are many herbal and nutritional medicines that improve immunity and help the body fight infection.

Choosing your own products is common but by doing so it is possible to disrupt the body’s natural balance. A qualified naturopath will be able to prescribe good quality ‘practitioner only’ medicines that are best suited to you individual health situation.

Here are some of the best herbs to help strengthen your immune system:

Echinacea is one of the most well-known herbal medicines for improving immunity and fighting infection. It was traditionally used by the Native Americans for this very reason and the traditional use is now supported by scientific research and clinical studies. Good quality Echinacea should have a significant tingling sensation in the mouth. If it does not tingle it is not worth using.

Elderberry is another herb used traditionally to treat colds and flu's. As with Echinacea this use is now supported by clinical studies. It has an antiviral activity against a number of influenza viruses and probably also enhances the immune. Other herbs that improve immunity include Andrographis and Cat’s Claw.

Vitamins and supplements

Important immune enhancing herbs include Vitamin C and zinc. A deficiency of these nutrients depletes the immune system and leads to an increased incidence of infection. It is also probable that infections are more severe and last longer in patients with vitamin C and/or zinc deficiency. B complex vitamins are great for general health and immunity. Vitamin A is essential for healthy mucous membranes which line the respiratory tract

Take advantage of our FLU FIGHTER, talk to Naturopath Alison Potts @ Laser, Skin & Wellness Clinic to enjoy a flu-free Winter.



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